Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 43

Happy Halloween!!! My project today was decorating Sadie's stroller to match the theme of our costumes. I was the Mad Hatter and Sadie was Alice :) All I did was loop some flowers with little faces on them, onto the stroller...but I thought it went well with us. haha.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 42

Sooo, tomorrow is Halloweeeeeeeen. Woo Hoo! I waited till the last minute on this one and it shows, but I've been meaning to decorate Sadie's candy bucket to better match her costume. She's going to be Alice, from Alice in Wonderland...and so I turned her bucket into a tea pot. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 40

Made some CDs tonight for Sadie. We like to listen to music when we are playing and she just likes to dance...period!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 39

Started...and finished a new project tonight. More stitching..and no, my technique hasn't improved much. haha. Anyway, this one is for my Mom. At the beginning of this 100 day challenge, I mentioned that Sadie was my biggest inspiration....still true, however, I wouldn't even know what I know how to do or know that I am capable of at least trying new things and expanding my abilities, if it were not for all of my Mom's encouragement (throughout my entire life) and even investment. Also, her own creativity has inspired me greatly over the years and so I appreciate all that she has shown me in the world of art and crafting. <3 her. The idea of this project is something I saw in a book awhile back and while flipping through an old album, I came across a photo (that I've always really liked) of my Grandmother, my Mom's mom, who is no longer with us...I think my Mom will like this...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 38

Finished the mini Zombie bust. Turned out alright, starting thinking I probably should have stuck a hook in its head or something before I baked it, so that I could hang it or something. Hmmmm...I'll figure something out.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 37

Work is slow...doodled a little Halloween Greeting and took a picture with a Retro Camera app...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 36

I'm horrrrrible at sculpting, but I figured I'd give it another try...So, I tried to make a little Zombie bust, at this point, I'm pretty much relying on the paint job to really make it worth while (tomorrow's agenda), haha..because right now its looking a little weird..and not in a good way. Also, I've added a picture of the shirt that I designed for my Aunt-in-law's classroom!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 35

Jeremy bought a new body for his Slash (RC truck)..he asked me if I would paint the rim on the spare tire on the back....I said yes.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 34

I was digging through a drawer, looking for something to do and I came across a wooden bracelet I bought awhile ago. I tried using some sharpie stain markers on it, but resorted to paint after I wasn't getting the look I wanted from the markers. Anyway, this was just something for fun. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 33

Feels like forever since I've posted, but it also feels pretty good. Haha. This evening I finally got the chance to finish up the shadow box I put together, as a little reminder for me and Sadie, of how much we loved playing at the beach this past it finally starts to cool down around here.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 32

I've been staying pretty busy, working on designs for work, that I have sort of had to put this whole 100 day challenge on hold. However, that doesn't mean for good! Technically, the design process could be considered creative, but I don't want to count it in...for..whatever reasons. Anyway though, in between pulling shirts and drawing today, I managed to get a couple laughs with this...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 31

Tomorrow is Jeremy's birthday, sooooooo...I made him a cake! He always requests the "theme", but this year the only direction he gave me was that he wanted a fondant covered cake. We always see it on TV, but neither of us has ever had it! I chose the theme and just went for nostalgia with the 'ol Nintendo controller. Guess we'll find out tomorrow if it is any good. Anyway, it was a little easier to work with than I thought it would be...but I'll probably never use it again, unless it ends up being reallllllly tasty..we'll see.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 30...whoa!

Puttin' the shadow box on hold tonight. Today at work, I was asked to work on a few designs for a  possible new client..soooo, I gotta get on that!.....maybe you've heard of B.B.King!!! He has a few clubs around the country and the shop I work for has the pleasure of producing some designs for their retail line of shirts. SUPER hopeful that I can put forth some sell-able ideas!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 29

Starting a new project. I've been wanting to make a shadow box with some pictures and shells and stuff that Sadie and I collected this summer at the beach. We went almost every weekend and it's something I hope we can do together for a long long as she wants to anyway :) Whenever it finally decides to cool down around here, we wont be able to go anymore and so I thought this would make for a great reminder of all the fun we had!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 28

Bought some Nightmare Before Christmas collectible figurines while we were in Orlando. I could have bought a pack of actual Nightmare BC Christmas ornaments for like $36 (pack of 6)...but instead I decided to buy this pack of figurines for $12 (pack of 7) and turn them into ornaments!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 27

Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich....elephant for Sadie. :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 26

Kept it pretty simple tonight, but it's something I've been meaning to do for a couple of weeks now! I had bought some little...very little pumpkins with intentions of drawing faces on them...and yeah, that's what I did this evening!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Went out of town...Home now :)

SO, had to take a little break for a couple of days. Went down to Universal's Halloween Horror Nights, because shock and terror keeps me sane :) Anyway, still getting ourselves and Sadie settled back into the 'ol I'll pick up where I left off tomorrow! There's still a good chance I'll be painting tonight though, we'll see.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 25

In honor of going out of town, I decided to paint my nails. Haha. I like doing it..not very good at it..but it's fun nonetheless. The pictures are a bit blurry, but you can still see what I was trying to do!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 24

Wont be able to start on anything new tonight, too busy packing and getting ready to go out of town! BUT, I did spend a fair amount of time at work today drawing this...haha, I love this time of year.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 23

I was at Michael's the other day with Sadie and picked up one of these "Paint your own mask" thingys. Just as I was thinking, "Man, I wish Sadie knew how to play with these things," she took the mask from my hands and put it up to her face to look through the eye holes! SO, I bought one and here it is...