Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 39

Started...and finished a new project tonight. More stitching..and no, my technique hasn't improved much. haha. Anyway, this one is for my Mom. At the beginning of this 100 day challenge, I mentioned that Sadie was my biggest inspiration....still true, however, I wouldn't even know what I know how to do or know that I am capable of at least trying new things and expanding my abilities, if it were not for all of my Mom's encouragement (throughout my entire life) and even investment. Also, her own creativity has inspired me greatly over the years and so I appreciate all that she has shown me in the world of art and crafting. <3 her. The idea of this project is something I saw in a book awhile back and while flipping through an old album, I came across a photo (that I've always really liked) of my Grandmother, my Mom's mom, who is no longer with us...I think my Mom will like this...

1 comment:

  1. Amber, you make me so proud of you and your accomplishments! I love this! You really shouldn't make your Mom cry though the first thing in the morning!
