Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 65 & 66

I was SO tired last night, I skipped making a post...even though it would have taken all of maybe 4-5 minutes...haha, just couldn't do it. However, I did put up our Christmas decorations and so I am counting that in now along with today. We decorated the tree this evening. Sadie just sort of touched everything and took down a few ornaments she wanted to walk around with...we'll probably be seeing more of that.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 63

Started on these guys tonight. Just one more project I've been putting off...I've had these things for literally years.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 61

Jeremy's aunt gave me this little wooden owl puzzle a few weeks ago. She knew it would be perfect for painting and personalizing, so that is what I started on this evening.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 60

Takin' it pretty easy this evening. Really just felt like flipping through my art book collection. Never hurts to brush up on some art history...always helps to keep me inspired..

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Say 59

Working on creating some Christmas gifts on the Shutterfly website. There are so many possibilities :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 58

Completed the third piece of my classic movie monsters collection! The Phantom of the Opera is done and now I can move onto something new :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 57

Decided on a background color this evening and got two coats of it down. Also, made a stencil for the graphic I decided on to accompany the Phantom. It's a broken heart...seemed fitting. I'm fairly certain I will be able to complete the piece tomorrow..and then move on!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 56

Layed on another coat of paint to the Phantom`s face. I'll start on the background tomorrow :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 55

Continued working on the Phantom of the Opera's a little look.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 54

Started on a Phantom of the Opera piece tonight. I think if I stick to it the next few nights, I should have it done by the end of the week. While working on it though, I started getting some other ideas and now I'm going to go write those down before I forget.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 53

Finalllllllly finished a piece that has just been sitting around unfinished for weeks. It's the Creature from the Black Lagoon installment for my classic horror film "collection"..haha...I love painting, but I don't take myself that serious.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 52

Finished the Christmas cards! Inside and out...sooo, next step is having them printed. I'll try my best not to procrastinate. haha..

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 51

Worked on the Christmas card design tonight. I got it about 50% colored in (but only showing the black and white drawing). I'm not going to post a picture of it completely finished, until they are sent out; not that a Christmas card needs to a surprise or anything, but it might just be more fun that way. There will be a little bit of inside detail as well, however I don't want to post that either..until later.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 50!!

Wow, I'm half way through the 100 day challenge!! Seems like I just started! I decided today that I was going to make our Christmas cards this year. Nothing too crazy, just drew a little scene and planned on coloring it this evening, howeverrrrr...I forgot the drawings at work. I'll have to finish them tomorrow. My plan is to take them somewhere and have copies made. I want them to look as professional as possible and I just don't think my printer can hack it. Haha.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 49

Made two more dresses this evening :D Jeremy and I went through a few of our old shirts, there will be many a dress made in the following weeks, haha....I used a less traditional t-shirt too, just to see how it would work out, I really love the skirt portion of it (the brown dress). I also think I may have made it a tad too long, but that just means Sadie will be able to wear it later on as she gets a little more height to her. Also, I have included a couple pics of Sadie in the first dress I made her (she purposefully ignores me whenever I point the camera at her these days...sigh)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 48

Got the book out...I have to change direction..I'm not feeling it at all anymore. Writing really isn't my forté. I guess its called a challenge for a reason though.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 47

Tried out these Sharpie Stain markers I've had for awhile now...they're alright I guess. Probably work better on a tighter canvas shoes or something. Anyway, made another shirt for Sadie.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 46

Bought this print from an 'ol high school chum, haha....well..I didn't do it any justice with the frame I crafted this evening. I don't know how long I'll keep it in this frame, I certainly had other things in mind for it, but it is what it is for right now anyway. I'll hang it in Sadie's room tomorrow and see how I feel about it then...I was thinking the feathers would be a cute touch, knowing that it was going in Sadie's bedroom..but I just can't tell right now.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 45

Alright, so...I've been pretty busy the last two days with a job for my work. BUT, I'm back at it..and this evening I had an I Googled it..and I found exactly what I was looking for and it was way easier than I could have imagined...I'm so pleased with the way it turned out, I KNOW I will be doing this again...soon. I have a ton of t-shirts..sometimes I donate them...sometimes I just cant let go! haha...So, I have a little..sort of big..stock pile of old shirts that I keep, because I know I can use them for scraps..or eventually hand them down to my kids, idea this evening was to somehow make a dress for my daughter, from an old t-shirt. I did it. Here it is. I cannot wait to try it on her tomorrow!!!

 ....One more only took an hour! :D

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 44

Going out tonight, on account of it being my wedding anniversary, so I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to start a new project. Instead, I'm counting the little sign I made for the spider, that has been residing in the ladies bathroom at my job, my challenge for today..haha. Some may call it creative..some may call it weird..