Thursday, December 22, 2011

Approx. Days 69-75

Wellllll...probably pretty safe to say that I have officially failed the 100 day challenge. I've been busy and tired and sick..and although I have not posted much, I have not totally stopped creating. Here are a few things that I have been up to this month...It's probably useless to number them in the heading, but its sort of habit I suppose.

 Above: Designed and printed transfers for a friend's pool league team. Took about 3 days.

 Above: Got our Christmas cards printed and sent out!

 Above: Was asked for the second year in a row to work on my work's Christmas bonus envelopes! Just something I worked on over a couple of days when I had a little spare time at work.

Above: This evening I made a pair of FSU Seminole-esque earrings as a gift!

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