Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 20

Alright...I'm going to do's a little sneak peak of the series I'm working on. I'm too excited about it to not share! This isn't even half of the collection that I have in mind. Obviously the Creature from the Black Lagoon and the Phantom of the Opera pieces are unfinished, I've got to get back to it, so that I can move on to the next few monsters!
 P.S. - I don't usually show people things that aren't 100% complete, so that's why I have been so torn about this...buuuuuut...I really appreciate all of those who follow this site and the awesome encouragement..that now it just feels silly to keep it a secret.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 19

Did something a little silly and different tonight. I have this really awesome classic art coloring book with a lot of really great pieces in it. It's been a long time since I've done this, but I remembered how much fun I had with I thought I'd try it again! First, the "American Gothic", is the one that I did yearrrs ago..and the "Mona Lisa" was tonight's fun time.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 18

Finished my first attempt at embroidery/stitching this evening. Figured out a little bit more about it tonight and I know exactly what to do next time! There WILL be a next time too..haha, I have plans for some of the plain hoodies I bought Sadie for this coming winter...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 17

The best part about doing this 100 day challenge, is trying things I have never done before. This evening I started working on a little embroidery/stitching. I want to do a couple of pieces, but I decided to start with what I thought would be the most easy....welllllllp, now that I've gotten started, its not really as easy as I thought.  BUT, I'm determined to finish this so that I can move on to the next idea...Also...I decided to just wing this one and work on bettering my craftsmanship on the next material. Haha...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 16

Spent a little bit of time today making quick little sketches of some of the pages in Sadie's story book. I tweeked the story a little bit as well. I want to make sure I have everything just right before I put anything into the actual book. I knew it would take me awhile and I'm still not really ready.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 15

One of the things on my list of "To Do's" has been to make Sadie some cool shirts. Really, I have more ways than one to go about doing this, but the fun and simple way is to find some sweet images online, print them out on transfers, and then use my heat press to adhere the transfers..sooooo, that is what I did this evening. I have some other ideas for making shirts later on...but I'll get to that then! Anyway, I've been wanting to make her a Warhol shirt for awhile now...and since it has become apparent that she loves "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" on Disney JR...I thought Andy's "Mickey" was suitable :) Also, we bought her a "My first Wonder Woman" book and she seems to enjoy that as well. Lastly, if you know know that she absolutely LOVES "Yo Gabba Gabba" explanation really needed there!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

2 Weeks Down!

Today was especially productive. Started out in Michael's getting a couple of paintings I've done...framed. Just one of the requirements of entering them to be shown at the Bay County Fair! Soooo, that was exciting. Ha ha. This evening I felt a little like baking, so I made a second attempt at making some cake pops. I'm going to go paint.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 13

Worked on a little bit more of Sadie's story book. Painting now. That is all. Oh, also...I'm considering posting pictures of the series I'm working on. I'll think about it some more. That is all.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 12

Pulled out an old origami book tonight. I used to love doing this kind of stuff! Folding paper doesn't sound exciting, but it's sort of like balloon twisting in a way..I mean, it's cool to take the idea of a real object and interpret it through a different material.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 11

Sooooo, silly me, but it turns out that I didn't miss the deadline for the free photobook after all. I finished it and ordered it this evening. I also made a share site so that I could post it here for anyone who would like to take a look! I love!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 10

Very unfortunately due to internet issues this evening...I will not be able to complete my photo book today, thus..missing the deadline for receiving the book @ no charge :( So very bummed. On a good note, I decided on and have begun writing the storyline for the book I am writing and illustrating for Sadie :D It's based on a few of the bedtime songs I have been singing to Sadie since she was born! Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little star, Row Row Row Your Boat, etc. I'm really getting into it now!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 9

I was going to work on the book for Sadie tonight, but the e-mail fairy brought me a little surprise instead. I got an offer for a free photo book from The offer is only good for a couple of days, so I gotta get on it! I love this website! I've made a few photo books since Sadie was born and have never paid more than the shipping costs (which is like..$5!!), because they always have such great offers and deals! I also have photo prints made and sent to me from this site, when I know I'm not going to be able to get to Walgreens or where ever. So anyway, got to get to it!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 8

Pretty much from the minute I knew I was going to have a kid...I could not wait for the day that I could make him or her a superhero cape. Haha...I'm not even kidding. So,, that is exactly what I did. 

Her super power is that she sucks the evil out of her sucking her super thumb, which holds and converts the stolen evil into her own power and strength..? Something like that anyway...she could explain it better. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 7

Wow, its been 7 days already? First week down,  ~ 13 more to go! I have less than 30 minutes to post this as today's challenge, so I'll keep it short :) I had an awesome opportunity today to do a special favor for a friend of a friend! A couple days ago, I was asked to decorate some cupcakes for a little girl's 1st birthday. The theme itself is purple and pink cupcakes and this is what I came up with...

I had a lot of fun with this and I'm so grateful for the opportunity and TRUST, haha. Hope the mommy of the birthday girl loves them :) Now...time to go paint..

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 6

Finally...the weekend! Weekends are for painting :) Mainly because I don't have to wake up at the butt crack of dawn the next day... So as soon as Sadie hits the sack, I get to spend a good three or four hours doing what I love the most...painting! I'm not going to be posting pictures tonight though. A month or so ago, I did a piece that inspired another piece..that inspired another piece..and from there, I realized that I definitely wanted to do a series, which is something I've never done before...and I have decided not to share any of them, until I feel like the series is complete :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 5

Last Christmas, Sadie received a small Golden Books (you know...the Tawny Scrawny Lion, The Pokey Puppy, etc.) box set/collection. Oddly enough, it came with a completely blank book. Blank cover and blank pages with a small message on the box that explained it was for creating your own story book! So tonight, I decided it was time to finally do that! I spent a little time planning and doodling, basically just trying to decide exactly what I want to put on the pages! I'm pretty sure this is going to take me awhile and I probably wont work on it every night, unless I just totally get into it. Even tossing around the idea to maybe have Jeremy help me with the story itself. So far, I'm fairly certain that I want to incorporate Sadie into the story, if not make it entirely about her.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 4

I've sort of recently taken an interest in balloon twisting. Haha, I think that is what the "pros" call it. Anyway, I think balloon animals and balloon art is incredibly creative. I had the opportunity to learn a few twists from a "pro" and bought a little home kit. I've pretty much mastered the sword...haha and Sadie likes playing with all of the "animals gone horribly wrong". Tonight I wanted to try something a little different. My idea was to make a vase with roses. I couldn't quite get down the basket weave technique for the vase, that I really wanted to do, so I improvised and decided to just wing it. I was pretty pleased with the roses and it turns out that they are actually easier to do than the daisy. I have this odd, but totally legit admiration for people who do this kind of thing for a living and make it look sooooo easy. Trust me, its really not that easy. But its fun!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 3

Productive evening!! Finished the owl barrette holder :) That was fun. Buuuuut, I'm definitely stoked to move   onto another project!
I've got a growing list of ideas for stuff I want to do and to be honest, at this minute, I don't even know what I want to start on tomorrow...well, I'll figure it out.
P.S.- I changed the settings on here so that you do not have to be a registered user, in order to leave comments (I hate that about most blogs). Also, I accidentally deleted someone's comment on Day 1's post..just wanted to point out that, that was completely unintentional! 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 2

Got some really great encouragement and feedback today on the start of this endeavor! I continued working on  the owl barrette holder, but didn't get as much done as I would have liked. My needle broke. SO...I'm done for the day.
Oh, and I made a birthday card for a fellow employee...however, it's a little risque, there wont be pictures of that. I only mention it, because making cards that make people laugh is one of my favorite things to do!
Today's progress.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

It Begins....Day 1

First of all, I would like to say "Thank you", to Jeremy Haas (my husband), for getting me set up on this blog site! This place is going to be my main outlet for documenting the next 100 days...of living with at least one daily dose of creativity. So, here we go...

A year and 8 months ago, my daughter, Sadie, was born! A lot of the projects I have in mind so far, involve her in some way or another. She has definitely been the greatest inspiration in my life and pretty much since the idea of her even being came about, I have wanted nothing more than to surround her in love, color, fun, imagination, and creativity!! So to get things started, I began this "quest" with a project for her bedroom. 
When I was a kid, my mom had made me a "barrette and bow holder." It was the head of a girl, with reallllllllly long braids. The idea was that I could clip all of my barrettes and bows down the length of the braids. Makes sense and it totally served it's purpose. However, this exact idea wouldn't quite fit the decor of my own daughter's room. Mostly, the room is decorated in bright colors, with a reoccurring theme of woodland animals. So, I started with the idea of an owl with realllllllllly long legs, which will inevitably be what holds my daughters barrettes...this is today's progress...

I feel pretty good about Day 1..and I'm really looking forward to the next 99!!