Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 5

Last Christmas, Sadie received a small Golden Books (you know...the Tawny Scrawny Lion, The Pokey Puppy, etc.) box set/collection. Oddly enough, it came with a completely blank book. Blank cover and blank pages with a small message on the box that explained it was for creating your own story book! So tonight, I decided it was time to finally do that! I spent a little time planning and doodling, basically just trying to decide exactly what I want to put on the pages! I'm pretty sure this is going to take me awhile and I probably wont work on it every night, unless I just totally get into it. Even tossing around the idea to maybe have Jeremy help me with the story itself. So far, I'm fairly certain that I want to incorporate Sadie into the story, if not make it entirely about her.

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