Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 4

I've sort of recently taken an interest in balloon twisting. Haha, I think that is what the "pros" call it. Anyway, I think balloon animals and balloon art is incredibly creative. I had the opportunity to learn a few twists from a "pro" and bought a little home kit. I've pretty much mastered the sword...haha and Sadie likes playing with all of the "animals gone horribly wrong". Tonight I wanted to try something a little different. My idea was to make a vase with roses. I couldn't quite get down the basket weave technique for the vase, that I really wanted to do, so I improvised and decided to just wing it. I was pretty pleased with the roses and it turns out that they are actually easier to do than the daisy. I have this odd, but totally legit admiration for people who do this kind of thing for a living and make it look sooooo easy. Trust me, its really not that easy. But its fun!

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